Increase in Fund Managers launching hedge funds via CV5


CV5 Capital

Centennial Towers, 205c 

2454 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, KY1-1303,Cayman Islands

Registered as registered person under the Securities Investment Business Act with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority/ Cert No. 1885380




For Immediate Release

Increase in Fund Managers launching hedge funds via CV5

CV5 Capital, a Cayman Islands asset manager and leader in the provision of hedge fund solutions for emerging managers to launch and manage regulated and audited hedge funds (and crypto funds) that encompass best-in-class service providers, a core focus on governance and compliance plus full support. This enables fund managers to focus on the core activities of the investment strategy, raising capital and building an audited track record. All funds launched are registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) and audited by a CIMA approved auditor. 


David Lloyd, Managing Director at CV5 Capital, “We are delighted to see so many fund managers globally elect CV5 as their partner of choice to launch their hedge fund. Given the increased scrutiny by investors and ever-increasing compliance, regulatory, governance and internal controls, particularly for crypto fund investors, CV5 and CV5 Digital have grown significantly whilst still providing the ability to launch a fund in just 4 weeks with tier-1 service providers in place and ongoing support. We look forward to supporting the future growth of fund managers and maintain our position as the leading solution for launching and operating a hedge fund.”

CV5 Capital

Centennial Towers, 205c 

2454 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, KY1-1303,Cayman Islands

Registered as registered person under the Securities Investment Business Act with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority/ Cert No. 1885380



For further information, please contact us:


Published By: David Lloyd

Published Date: 2024-05-08 16:02:32

Region: Europe

Keywords: fund formation, hedge funds, crypto fund, digital assets, cayman funds, fund launch

Industry: Crypto

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