ThriveNewsWire Terms and Conditions

The guidelines provided by ThriveNewsWire are crucial for ensuring that press releases meet the necessary standards for distribution. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Acceptable Content:
Press releases should contain a clear, timely, and newsworthy angle, avoiding advertising hype, direct address, and spam.

Common news angles include new product or service launches, business expansions, organizational milestones, and expert opinions on current topics.

Legal Press Release:
Legal-related press releases must include sufficient documentation such as a case number or court of record.

Contact Information:
Press releases should provide valid contact details, including a name, phone number, and email address.

PR Length:
Press releases should be between 400 and 900 words, with a concise news summary of 1 or 2 sentences.

Grammar and Spelling:
Press releases must be free of spelling and grammatical errors, written entirely in English, and avoid excessive jargon or acronyms without definitions.

Press Release Formatting:
Press releases should not contain HTML tags, non-standard characters, or be written in all capital letters. Functional links are required.

News Source:
A clear news source must be identified in the headline, indicating the organization issuing the release.

Accepted File Types:
Releases may contain links or attachments with extensions such as .jpeg, .png, .pdf, and .doc.

In addition to these guidelines, ThriveNewsWire does not distribute certain types of content, including unlisted crypto-related releases, advertisements, fabricated information, sexually explicit content, spam links, duplicate content, and content intended to harm individuals or groups.

Further exclusions encompass unauthorized ticker symbols, gambling or casino-related content, loans, online pharmaceuticals, unsafe weight loss products, unapproved or misleading health supplements, sexual enhancement products, easy money schemes, stock recommendations, and BlackHat SEO tactics.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures that press releases meet the necessary criteria for distribution through ThriveNewsWire’s platform and maintain the integrity and quality of the content provided.

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